2009-09-07 - Rock Creek Trail Recovery


2 miles @ 9 min/mi + 8 miles @ ~14 min/mi

"Bunny!" Christina Caravoulias exclaims, and the rabbit dashes away from us. It's Labor Day morning, time for Chris's last long run before the Parks Half Marathon next Sunday, and my chance to test the legs two days after Kate Abbott and I do 25 rugged ridge miles on the Massanutten Trail (2009-09-05 - One Third of The Ring). Car trouble delays Christina's arrival at Ken-Gar, so I warm up while waiting by doing a couple of brisk out-and-back miles. Then together we jog upstream to milepost 9 and back, and after a break go downstream to Cedar Lane. It's cool but humid and I lose 2 lbs. sweating.

^z - 2009-09-13